Friends of the bend
A person or family can become a Friend of the Bend by:

Praying for the ministry of Riverbend. God works through prayer and by being an informed, active prayer warrior, the stage is set for God to work in the lives of retreat guests and campers. Riverbend has a page on the web site with prayer requests and sends out a monthly e-newsletter to let people know how they can pray for various needs.
Telling others of the ministry at Riverbend. By being an “ambassador” of this ministry, you encourage others to bring groups, pray for and support the camp financially. Friends can be an ambassador in their church to encourage church participation in supporting Riverbend.
Giving of your financial resources. A gift of $100 per year or just a little over $8 per month can truly make a difference in the lives of campers by making needed program and facility improvements that directly touch lives.
Why Support Christian Camping?
Decisions for Christ— During Summer Camp, one out of every ten will make a profession of faith and one out of every four will make a significant spiritual decision. This past year 760 campers made professions of faith, 1068 made rededications and 135 indicated a call to full time Christian service.
Assists the Local Church - Riverbend partners with local churches to provide camps and retreats. This means that Riverbend is an extension of the local church promote and expand the church’s ministry.
Escape from the fast paced society - perhaps more than ever, people need to get away and spend personal time with God and fellow believers. Riverbend hosts groups of over 800 to individuals who want to spend time in a personal retreat.
Friends of the Bend...Working Together to Make a Difference!